See the dependency graph of all the contributions in the NASA PVS Library NASA PVS Library 6.0.9 (11/10/14).
Development | Description | Contributors |
ACCoRD (web) | Framework for the analysis of air traffic conflict detection and resolution algorithms. | AN, CM, GD, GH, JM, RB |
algebra | Groups, monoids, rings, etc. | DL, RB |
analysis | Real analysis, limits, continuity, derivatives, integrals. | AN, BD, RB |
Bernstein (web) | Formalization of multivariate Bernstein polynomials. | AN, CM |
complex | Complex numbers. | DL |
complex_alt | Alternative formalization of complex numbers. | DL |
complex_integration | Complex integration. | DL |
co_structures | Sequences of countable length defined as coalgebra datatypes. | JJ |
digraphs | Directed graphs: circuits, maximal subtrees, paths, DAGs. | AA, JS, KR, RB |
exact_real_arith | Exact real arithmetic including trig functions. | DL |
extended_nnreal | Extended non-negative reals. | DL |
fault_tolerance | Fault tolerance protocols. | AG, JM, LP, PM |
float | Floating point numbers and arithmetic. | PM, SB |
graphs | Graph theory: connectedness, walks, trees, Menger's Theorem. | RB, JS |
groups | Group theory. | ALG |
ints | Integer division, gcd, mod, prime factorization, min, max. | AG, BD, PM, RB |
interval_arith (web) | Interval arithmetic and numerical
approximations. Includes automated strategies numerical
for computing numerical approximations and
interval for checking
satisfiability and validity of simply quantified real-valued
formulas. This development includes a formalization of Allen interval temporal logic. |
AN, CM, DS |
lebesgue | Lebesgue integral with connection to Riemann Integral. | DL |
linear_algebra | Linear algebra. | HH, GP, SO |
lnexp | Logarithm, exponential and hyperbolic functions. | DL, RB |
lnexp_fnd | Foundational definitions of logarithm, exponential and hyperbolic functions. | AN, DL, RB |
measure_integration | Sigma algebras, measures, Fubini-Tonelli Lemmas. | DL |
metric_space | Domains with a distance metric, continuity and uniform continuity. | DL |
numbers | Elementary number theory. | AG, AN, RB |
orders | Abstract orders, lattices, fix points. | AG, BD, JJ |
power | Generalized Power function (without ln/exp). | DL |
probability | Probability theory. | DL |
reals | Summations, sup, inf, sqrt over the reals, absolute value, etc. | AN, BDV, CM, PM, RB, AI |
scott | Scott topology. | DL |
series | Power series, comparison test, ratio test, Taylor's theorem. | AN, DL, RB |
sets_aux | Powersets, orders, cardinality over infinite sets. Includes functional and relational facts based on Axiom of Choice and refinement relations based on equivalence relations. | BD, DL, JJ, DS |
sigma_set | Summations over countably infinite sets. | DL |
structures | Bounded arrays, finite sequences, bags, and several other structures. | CM, DG, KR, LP, RB |
Sturm (web) | Formalization of Sturm's theorem for univariate
polynomials. Includes strategies sturm and
for automatically proving
univariate polynomial relations over a real interval.
AN, CM, AD |
Tarski (web) | Formalization of Tarski's theorem for univariate
polynomials. Includes strategy tarski for automatically proving
systems of univaraite polynomial relations on the real line.
AN, CM, AD |
topology | Continuity, homeomorphisms, connected and compact spaces, Borel sets/functions. | DL |
trig | Trigonometry: definitions, identities, approximations. | CM, BDV, DL, GD, HG, RB, VC, AN, JVS |
TRS | Term rewrite systems and Robinson unification algorithm. | AA, ALG, AR, MA |
TU_games | Cooperative TU-games. | EM |
vect_analysis | Limits, continuity, and derivatives of vector functions. | AN, CM, RB |
vectors | 2-D, 3-D, 4-D, and n-dimensional vectors. | AN, BDV, CM, HG, PM, RB |
while | Semantics for the programming language "while". | DL |
Theorem | Theory | PVS Name | Author |
Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality |
vectors@vectors | cauchy_schwartz | RB |
Derivative of a Power Series |
series@power_series_deriv | powerseries_deriv | RB |
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic | numbers@unique_factorization |
Fundamental_Theorem_Arithmetic | RB |
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus | analysis@fundamental_theorem |
fundamental | RB |
Fundamental Theorem of Interval Arithmetic | interval_arith@interval_expr |
Eval_fundamental | CM, AN |
Inclusion Theorem of Interval Arithmetic | interval_arith@interval_expr |
Eval_inclusion | CM, AN |
Infinitude of Primes |
numbers@infinite_primes | primes_infinite | RB |
Integral of a Power Series |
series@power_series_integ | integral_powerseries | RB |
Intermediate Value Theorem | analysis@continuity_interval | intermeditate_value1
| BD |
Law of Cosines |
trig_fnd@law_cosines | Law_Cosines | CM |
Mean Value Theorem |
analysis@derivative_props | mean_value | BD |
Matel's Theorem | graphs@mantel | Mantel | AD |
Menger's Theorem | graphs@menger | hard_menger | JS |
Order of a Subgroup | algebra@finite_group | lagrange | DL |
Pythagorean Property - Sine and Cosine | trig_fnd@trig_basic | sin2_cos2 | DL |
Ramsey's Theorem |
graphs@ramsey |
| NS |
Sum of a Geometric Series | series@series | geometric_sum | |
Taylor's Theorem | analysis@taylors | Taylors | RB |
Trig Identities: Sum and Diff of Two Angles | trig_fnd@trig_basic | sin_plus , ... | DL |
Trig Identities: Double Angle Formulas | trig_fnd@rig_basic | sin2a, cos2s | DL |
Schroeder-Berstein Theorem | orders@set_antinsymmetric | inj_inj_bij | JJ |
Denumerability of the Rational Numbers | sets_aux@countable_set | countable_rat | JJ |
Heine Theorem and Multiary Variants | analysis@uniform_continuity | Heine , multiary_Heine | AN |
Fubini-Tonelli Lemmas | measure_integration@fubini_tonelli | fubini_tonelli_* | DL |
Knuth-Bendix Critical Pair Theorem |
TRS@critical_pairs | CP_Theorem | ALG, MA |
Church-Rosser Theorem | TRS@results_confluence | CR_iff_Confluent | ALG, MA |
Newman Lemma | TRS@newman_yokouchi | Newman_lemma | ALG, MA |
Yokouchi Lemma | TRS@newman_yokouchi | Yokouchi_lemma | ALG, MA |
Robinson Unification | TRS@robinsonunification | completeness_robinson_unification_algorithm | AA, MA |
Confluence of Orthogonal TRSs | TRS@orthogonality | Orthogonal_implies_confluent | AR, MA |
Sturm's Theorem | Sturm@sturm | sturm | AN |
Tarski's Theorem | Tarski@sturmtarski | sturm_tarski_unbounded | AN, AD |
AA | Andreia Avelar Borges, University of Brasilia, Brazil |
AD | Aaron Dutle, NASA, USA |
AG | Alfons Geser, HTWK Leipzig, Germany |
AI | Amy Isvik, Wartburg College, USA |
ALG | André Galdino, Federal University of Goiás, Brazil |
AN | Anthony Narkawicz, NASA, USA |
AR | Ana Cristina Rocha Oliveira, University of Brasilia, Brazil |
BD | Bruno Dutertre, SRI, USA |
BDV | Ben Di Vito, NASA, USA |
CM | César Muñoz, NASA, USA |
DG | David Griffioen,CWI, The Netherlands |
DL | David Lester, Manchester University, UK |
DS | Dragan Stosic, Ireland |
EM | Érik Martin-Dorel, U. Montpellier 2 & U. of Perpignan (formerly), France |
HH | Heber Herencia-Zapana, NIA, USA |
JJ | Jerry James, Utah State University (formerly), USA |
JM | Jeff Maddalon, NASA, USA |
JS | Jon Sjogren, Department of Defense, USA |
JVS | John Siratt, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA |
KR | Kristin Rozier, NASA, USA |
GD | Gilles Dowek, INRIA, France |
GH | Geroge Hagen, NASA, USA |
GP | Gilberto Perez, University of La Coruña, Spain |
HG | Hanne Gottliebsen, NIA (formerly), USA |
LP | Lee Pike, Galois, USA |
MA | Mauricio Ayala-Rincón, University of Brasilia, Brazil |
NS | Natarajan Shankar, SRI, USA |
PM | Paul Miner, NASA, USA |
RB | Ricky Butler, NASA, USA |
SB | Silvie Boldo, INRIA, France |
SO | Sam Owre, SRI, USA |
VC | Víctor Carreño, NASA (formerly), USA |
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