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  • Top File of PVS reals Library

    top: THEORY
    % Elementary properties of reals and operations over reals
    %  top_sigma      -- provides a family of summation functions
    %                    over functions [T FROM int -> real]
    %  min_max        -- properties on min,max
    %  abs_lems       -- additional properties of abs
    %  product_real   -- defines product over functions [int -> real]
    %  bounded_reals  -- defines sup, inf, max, min
    %  real_sets      -- properties of sup, inf, max, min
    %  real_fun_ops,  -- adding, subtracting, etc on functions
    %  real_fun_preds -- increasing?, decreasing?, etc on functions
    %  real_fun_props -- properties about defs in real_fun_preds
    %  exponent_props -- additional properties of expt
    %  sqrt           -- properties of square root
    %  sqrt_rew       -- REVISED with AUTO_REWRITE+ statements
    %                    (See also new strategies (sqrt-rew) and (sqrt-rew-off)
    %  sqrt_approx    -- definitions of sqrt_newton and sqrt_bisect
    %                    (newton and bisection methods for computing square roots).
    %  sq             -- square function and properties
    %  sq_rew         -- installs useful AUTO_REWRITE+s
    %  sign           -- properties of sign function
    %  sign3          -- properties of sign3 function
    %  quadratic      -- solution of quadratic equations
    %  quadratic_2b   -- a better solution of quadratic equations for 2b
    %  quad_minmax    -- minimum and Maximum of quadratic equations
    %  binomial,      -- binomial coefficient       
    %  polynomials	  -- polynomials		  
    %  more_polynomial_props
    %  Version 2.5   1/24/08
    %  CHANGES:
    %     8/1/01:
    %        sqrt_exists    -- existence proof of sqrt
    %        sqrt_approx    -- theory added (by Fleuriot/Geser)
    %     8/7/01
    %        sigma_with, sigma_zero added to sigma
    %     2/26/02
    %        duplications with PVS 2.4 prelude removed
    %        predicates over functions given names with ?, e.g. increasing?
    %     3/14/02: Added quadratic_ax
    %     2/26/03: Added AUTO_REWRITE+ commands to automate some routine stuff
    %     3/7/03:  Added quadratic_minmax, new lemmas added to abs_lems
    %     4/14/03: Duplicate theory problem resolved
    %     11/3/03: binomial added                    (Lester)
    %     11/28/03: quadratic_ax is gone (use quadratic instead) 
    %     2/13/04: turned on more auto-rewrites in sq and sqrt
    %              (if old proofs fail, add the following to your old proof:
    %        (STOP-REWRITE "sq_sqrt" "sq_0" "sq_1" "sq_abs" "sq_abs_neg")
    %        (STOP-REWRITE "sqrt_0" "sqrt_1" "sqrt_square" "sqrt_sq" "sqrt_sq_neg")
    %     7/8/04:  Added auto-rewrites in factorial
    %     3/28/05: Added log_nat and moved bolzano.pvs to Interval package
    %              by C. Munoz
    %     4/15/05: polynomials moved here from trig_fnd
    %     3/27/06: sigma theories generalized by Paul Miner
    %     10/28/07: quad_minmax improved, circles_and_lines added 
    %     11/7/07: sigma theories improved
    %     1/24/08: product operator theories added
      IMPORTING top_sigma,         % set of summation theories
                abs_lems,          % additional properties about absolute value
                binomial,          % Binomial coefficient       
                bound_defs,        % upper_bound, lowerbound, lub, glb
                bounded_reals,     % defines sup, inf, max, min
                circles_and_lines, % intersection of dynamic line and a circle
                exponent_props,    % additional properties of expt
                expt_rew,          % usedful auto-rewrites for expt
                factorial_props,   % additional properties of factorial function
    	    log_nat,           % Natural and real part of a logarithm 
                base_repr,         % Base n representation of natural numbers (A. Dutle)
                min_max,           % Min,max properties
                polynomials,       % polynomials
                quadratic,         % Solution of quadratic equations
    	    quadratic_2b,      % A better solution of quadratic equations for 2b
                quad_minmax,       % easier to use quadratic_minmax
    	    convex_functions,  % properties of convex functions
                real_orders,       % real orders <, <=, >=, >
    	    real_order_ep,     % order defined by floor(abs(x)/epsil) < floor(abs(y)/epsil)
                reals_complete_more, % some additional completness properties
                real_fun_ops,      % adding, subtracting, etc on functions
                real_fun_ops_aux,  % min, max over functions
                real_fun_preds,    % increasing?, decreasing?, etc on functions
                real_fun_orders,   % <, <=, >, >= over functions[T-> real]
                real_fun_props,    % properties about defs in real_fun_preds
                real_sets,         % more properties of bounded sets of reals
                real_facts,        % archimedian field properties, lub, glb
                sign,              % properties of the 2-value sign function
                sign3,             % properties of the 3-value sign function
                sq,                % square function
                sqrt,              % non-axiomatic version of sqrt
                sq_rew,            % useful auto-rewrites for square function
                sqrt_rew,          % useful auto rewrite for sqrt
                sqrt_approx,       % approximation to sqrt
                sqrt_rew,          % auto-rewrites for sqrt
                intervals_real,    % open_intv, closed_intv:  (a,b) or [a,b]
    	    product,              % generic theory
                product_seq,       % old theory for products over finite sequence 
    	    RealInt            % Real intervals
    %   easy: LEMMA sqrt(2) <= 3/2
    END top

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