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  • Top File of PVS sets_aux Library

    top: THEORY
    %  Additional Set Theory (sets_aux)
    %  --------------------------------
    %  Version 1.0    Powersets merged with finite_sets_aux    2/10/04
    %  Version 2.0    Jerry James libraries added              5/5/04
    %  Version 2.1    Updates for PVS 3.2; removed theories    11/3/04
    %                 now in the prelude or finite_sets
    %  Version 3.0    Merged in Alfons Geser's order theories  2/10/05
    %  Version 3.1    Added some theories from David Lester    4/12/05
    %  Version 3.2    Added cardinal and sets_lemmas_extra     5/11/05
    %  Version 3.3    Updated countable sets theories          9/15/09
    %  Authors:
    %      Bruno Dutertre     SRI International
    %      Jerry James           University of Kansas
    %      David Lester    Manchester University
     %---- Bruno Dutertre theories on powersets
      fun_below_props,          % bijections with Cartesian products
      power_sets,               % cardinality and finiteness
      set_of_functions          % functions from finite set A to B
     %---- Jerry James theories on infinite cardinalities
      bits,                     % sets of bit numbers (used to show countability)
      card_comp,                % compare the cardinality of any two types
      card_comp_props,          % properties of the card_comp predicates
      card_comp_set,            % compare the cardinality of any two sets
      card_comp_set_props,      % properties of the card_comp_set predicates
      card_comp_set_transitive, % transitivity of the card_comp_set predicates
      card_comp_transitive,     % transitivity of the card_comp predicates
      card_finite,              % card_comp vs. card(S) from finite_sets
      card_power,               % card[T] < card[set[T]]
      card_power_set,           % card(S) < card(powerset(S))
      card_sets_lemmas,         % relationships of set operations to cardinality
      card_single,              % single type properties of card_comp_set preds
      card_function,            % surjection/injection image properties
      cardinal,                 % cardinality(S) for any set S
      countability,             % definition of (un)countable sets
      countable_image,          % countable image
      countable_props,          % properties of (un)countable sets
      countable_set,            % some countable sets of numbers (e.g., integers)
      countable_setofsets,      % operations on countable families of sets
      countable_types,          % countability of some prelude types
      infinite_card,            % card_comp implications for finiteness
      infinite_image,           % infinite images of a set under some function
      infinite_sets,            % cardinality of infinite set add and remove
      sets_lemmas_extra         % disjoint? is commutative
     %--- David Lester theories on infinite/countable sets
      countable_image,          % image of a countable set is countable
      card_function,            % finite/infinite properties of functions
      infinite_nat_def,         % infinite IFF injective map from the naturals
      indexed_sets_aux,      % Additional prelude indexed set lemmas
      countable_indexed_sets,% countable setsofsets vs indexed sets
      nat_indexed_sets,      % increasing/decresing indexed sets
      inverse_image_Union,   % inverse_image(f,Union(X))
      countability_aux,      %% RWB
      cantor_bernstein_schroeder  %% Proved by Anthony Narkawicz
     % Dragan Stosic's relational and functional choice facts based on Axiom of Choice
     % Dragan Stosic's refinement relations
    END top

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