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  • Top File of PVS co_structures Library

    % Sequences of countable length defined as coalgebraic datatypes.
    % Author: Jerry James 
    % This file and its accompanying proof file are distributed under the CC0 1.0
    % Universal license:
    % Version history:
    %   2007 Feb 14: PVS 4.0 version
    %   2011 May  6: PVS 5.0 version
    %   2013 Jan 11: PVS 6.0 version
    top: THEORY
       ascending_chains,              % Monotonically nondecreasing prefixes
       csequence,                     % Basic definitions
       csequence_add,                 % Properties of the add operator
       csequence_append,              % Append an element to a csequence
       csequence_concatenate,         % The o operator for csequences
       csequence_concatenate_extract, % Eta rule for o and ^
       csequence_constant,            % A single repeated element
       csequence_extract,             % The ^ operator for csequences
       csequence_filter,              % Filter with a predicate
       csequence_filter_map,          % Conjunction of filter and map
       csequence_filter_of,           % Whether one seq is the filter of another
       csequence_finseq,              % Conversions to/from finseq
       csequence_first_p,             % The first element satisfying predicate p
       csequence_flatten,             % Sequence of sequences -> sequence
       csequence_generate,            % Sequences made from generator functions
       csequence_generate_limit,      % Ditto with a limit predicate
       csequence_induction,           % More induction rules for csequences
       csequence_insert,              % Insert an element into a csequence
       csequence_insert_remove,       % Eta rule for insert and remove
       csequence_length,              % Compute the length of a csequence
       csequence_length_comp,         % Length comparisons for all csequences
       csequence_limit,               % The limit of an ascending chain
       csequence_list,                % Conversions to/from list
       csequence_map_composition,     % Composed maps on csequences
       csequence_map_props,           % Properties of the map operator
       csequence_merge,               % Element-by-element merge of 2 csequences
       csequence_merge_split,         % Eta rules for merge and split
       csequence_nth,                 % Find the nth element of a csequence
       csequence_prefix,              % Prefixes of csequences
       csequence_prefix_append,       % Eta rule for prefix and append
       csequence_prefix_suffix,       % Eta rule for prefix and suffix
       csequence_props,               % Basic properties of csequences
       csequence_remove,              % Remove an element from a csequence
       csequence_rest,                % Properties of the rest operator
       csequence_reverse,             % Reverse a finite csequence
       csequence_sequence,            % Conversions to/from sequence
       csequence_singleton,           % Csequences with exactly one element
       csequence_split,               % Split a csequence into two csequences
       csequence_strict_prefix,       % Well-ordered prefixes of a given csequence
       csequence_subsequence,         % Subsequence definition and properties
       csequence_suffix,              % Suffixes of csequences
       csequence_unzip,               % Csequence of pairs to pair of csequences
       csequence_zip,                 % Pair of csequences to csequence of pairs
       csequence_zip_unzip            % Eta rules for zip and unzip
     END top

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