Top File of PVS exact_real_arith Library
% Top file for exact_real_arith
% Author: David Lester, Manchester University
% Version 1.0 18/2/09 Initial Release Version
IMPORTING prelude_aux, % Various auxiliary results
prelude_A4, % Scaffolding for ...
appendix, % Approximation results
prelude_sqrt, % Definition and properties of sqrt
cauchy, % Cauchy property
int, % int and nat definitions
add, % addition
neg, % negation
sub, % subtraction
mul, % multiplication
inv, % reciprocal
div, % division
rat, % Rationals
shift, % multiplication/division by 2^n
min, % min of two ERA numbers
max, % max of two ERA numbers
sqrtx, % sqrt of ERA
power, % raising an ERA to a natural power (x^n)
sum, % summation
series, % series
powerseries, % powerseries
atanx, % arctangent of an ERA
asinx, % arcsine of an ERA
acosx, % arcosine of an ERA
sincosx, % sine and cosine of an ERA
trigx, % sec, cosec and cot
log, % log of an ERA
exp, % exp of an ERA
hyperbolicx, % hyperbolic functions
END top
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