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  • Top File of PVS float Library

    top: THEORY
    % Formalization of Floating Point numbers in PVS
    % The hardware level model was developed by Paul Miner (NASA LaRC). 
    %   P. Miner, Defining the IEEE-854 floating-point standard in PVS, 
    %   NASA/TM-95-110167, NASA Langley Research Center, 1995.
    % The high level model was developed by Sylvie Boldo (ENS-Lyon) while
    % visiting NIA.
    %   S. Boldo, Preuves formelles en arithmetiques a virgule flottante, 
    %   PhD. Thesis, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, 2004.
    % This work has been partially funded by
    % * NASA LaRC under the Research Cooperative Agreement No. NCC-1-02043
    %   awarded to the National Institute of Aerospace
    % * French CNRS under PICS 2533
    %   awarded to the Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallelisme
    % Users are invited to send feedback information to the authors  
    % and to Marc.Daumas@ENS-Lyon.Fr
    % Version 1.1    11/30/2005
    % Note: This library currently links with lnexp (non-foundational).
    %       If you want,  you can change this to lnexp_fnd in theory float.
      IMPORTING % High-level model (SB)
                float, axpy, 
                % Hardware-level (PyM)
                IEEE_854, IEEE_854_defs, infinity_arithmetic,
                comparison1, NaN_ops, arithmetic_ops, IEEE_854_remainder,
                IEEE_854_fp_int, real_to_fp, over_under, 
                IEEE_854_values, round, fp_round_aux,
                sum_lemmas, enumerated_type_defs, sum_hack,
                % Equivalence between the two models (SB)
    END top

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