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  • Top File of PVS vectors Library

    top : THEORY
    %   Vectors Library V3.0               1/6/2009
    %   Authors:  Cesar Munoz              National Institute of Aerospace
    %             Rick Butler              NASA Langley
    %             Ben Di Vito              NASA Langley
    %             Jeff Maddalon            NASA Langley
    %             Hanne Gottliebsen        National Institute of Aerospace
    %   Strategies: vect-distr, vect-distr-off
         vectors,         	  % N-dimensional vectors and operations
         nvectors,            % N-dimensional vectors based on finite sequences 
         vectors_rew,     	  % Adds distributive rewrites
                          	  % See strategies (vect-distr) (vect-distr-off) 
         vect2D,          	  % Define 2-D Vector from N-dimensional vectors
         vect3D,          	  % Define 3-D Vector from N-dimensional vectors
         vectors_2D,       	  % 2-dimensional vectors and operations
         vectors_2D_rew,   	  % Adds distributive rewrites
                          	  % See strategies (vect-distr) (vect-distr-off) 
         vectors_3D,       	  % 3-dimensional vectors and operations
         vectors_3D_rew,   	  % Adds distributive rewrites
                          	  % See strategies (vect-distr) (vect-distr-off) 
         vectors_4D,       	  % 4-dimensional vectors and operations
         vectors_cos,     	  % Law of cosines for n-D vectors 
         vectors_2D_cos,   	  % Law of cosines for 2D vectors 
         vectors_3D_cos,   	  % Law of cosines for 3D vectors 
         distance,        	  % distance function
         distance_2D,      	  % 2D-distance function
         distance_3D,      	  % 3D-distance function
         lines,           	  % Using vectors to define lines, and motion
         lines_2D,         	  % Using vectors to define lines, and motion
         lines_3D,         	  % Using vectors to define lines, and motion
         law_cos_pos_2D,   	  % Law of cosines for 2D positions 
         law_cos_pos_3D,   	  % Law of cosines for 3D positions 
         closest_approach,    % calculate t_cpa for moving particles     
         closest_approach_2D, % calculate t_cpa for moving particles      
         closest_approach_relative_2D, % 
         closest_approach_3D, % calculate t_cpa for moving particles      
         perpendicular_2D,    % line perpendicular to a line through a point
         perpendicular_3D,    % line perpendicular to a line through a point
         intersections_2D,    % finding intersection points of lines
         basis_2D,            % orthonormal basis
         matrices,            % Theory of matrices
         vect_trig_2D,        % trigonometric properties of 2D vectors
         vect_trig_3D,        % trigonometric properties of 3D vectors
         cross_3D,            % cross-product
         linear_independence_3D,   % linear independence
         sigma_2D,            % summations over 2D vectors
         sigma_3D,            % summations over 3D vectors
         vect_3D_2D,          % Projection of a 3D vector (x,y,z) into (x,y) 
         vect_4D_3D_2D,       % Projection of a 4D vector (x,y,z,t) into (x,y,z) and (x,y) 
         det_2D,              % 2D determinant
         parallel_2D,         % 2D parallel
         parallel_3D,         % 3D parallel
         angles_2D,           % angle of vector 
         trackAngles_2D,      % track angles (Air Traffic Management)
         between_2D,          % defines predicate between?(v1,v2)(u)  EXPERIMENTAL
         ECEF,                % Earth-Centered Earth Fixed Cartesian coordinate system
         vect_fun_ops,        % defines function operators
         linear_transformations_2D, % Linear Functions [Vect2 -> Vect2] AND [Vect2 -> real]
         vectors_dot_alt,     % dot product defined using sigma[nat] rather than sigma[below(n)]
         test_vec             % test auto_rewrite+ statements
    END top

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