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SPIDER Publications
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publication is a link, then the file is served from an outside
website. Otherwise, the file is provided after the bibilographic
Publications marked with a "*" provide an introductory overview of
SPIDER Prototype and DO-254
- Wilfredo Torres-Pomales, Mahyar R. Malekpour, Paul S. Miner, and
Sandra V. Koppen: "Plan
for the Characterization of HIRF Effects on a Fault-Tolerant Computer
Communication System", NASA Technical Memorandum TM-2008-215306,
May 2008, pp. 43.
- Wilfredo Torres-Pomales, Mahyar
R. Malekpour, and Paul S. Miner. Design of the Protocol Processor
for the ROBUS-2 Communication System. NASA Technical Memorandum
TM-2005-213934, Nov 2005.
- Wilfredo Torres-Pomales, Mahyar
R. Malekpour, and Paul S. Miner. ROBUS-2: A fault-tolerant
broadcast communication system. NASA/TM-2005-213540, March 2005,
pp. 201. pdf
- Paul S. Miner. SPIDER Research and DO-254 Experiences.
FAA National Software
Conference, 2003. pdf
- *Wilfredo
Torres. ROBUS2. Assessment Technology Branch Talk, NASA
Langley Research Center, August, 2004. pdf
- *Paul S. Miner, Mahyar
R. Malekpour, Wilfredo Torres. A Conceptual Design For a
Reliable Optical Bus (ROBUS). Presented at the 21st Digital Avionics Systems Conference
(DASC), Irvine, California, October 27-31, 2002. pdf
- Paul S. Miner, Victor A. Carre�o, Mahyar Malekpour, and Wilfredo
Torres. A
Case-Study Application of RTCA DO-254: Design Assurance Guidance for
Airborne Electronic Hardware, 19th Digital Avionics Systems
Conference, October 2000.
- Paul Miner. Analysis of the SPIDER
Fault-Tolerance Protocols. 5th
NASA Langley Formal Methods Workshop, 2000. powerpoint
Fault-tolerant Formalizations
- Lee Pike, "Modeling Time-Triggered Protocols and Verifying Their Real-Time Schedules", Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD), 2007. (Winner of FMCAD best paper award)
also here
- Lee Pike.
Formal Verification of Time-Triggered Systems.
PhD Dissertation. Indiana University, May 2006.
More Info
- Lee Pike.
A note on inconsistent axioms in Rushby's "Systematic Formal Verification
for Fault-Tolerant Time-Triggered Algorithms".
IEEE Transactions of Software Engineering. Volume 32, Issue 5, pp 347-348, May 2006.
- Lee Pike and Steven D. Johnson. The formal verification of
a reintegration protocol. Accepted at the ACM Conference on Embedded
Software (EMSOFT), 2005. pdf.
Proof files available here
- Lee Pike. Real-time system verification by
k-induction. NASA
Technical Memorandum TM-2005-213751, 2005. pdf. Proof
files available here
- Lee Pike, Paul Miner, Wilfredo Torres. Model
Checking Failed Conjectures in Theorem Proving: A Case Study. NASA
Technical Memorandum NASA/TM-2004-213278, 2004. pdf. Proof files are
available here.
- *Paul Miner, Alfons Geser, Lee Pike, and Jeffrey Maddalon.
A unified fault-tolerance protocol. In Yassine Lakhnech and Sergio Yovine,
editors, Formal Techniques, Modeling and Analysis of Timed and
Fault-Tolerant Systems (FORMATS-FTRTFT), volume 3253 of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pages 167--182. Springer, 2004. pdf. Proof files are available here.
- Lee Pike, Jeffrey Maddalon, Paul Miner, and Alfons Geser.
Abstractions for fault-tolerant distributed system verification. In Konrad Slind, Annette Bunker, and Ganesh
Gopalakrishnan, editors, Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs),
volume 3223 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 257--270.
Springer, 2004. pdf
Proof files are available here.
- Lee Pike. The Formal Verification of the SPIDER
Interactive Consistency Protocol. Internal presentation of
work completed while an intern with the Formal Methods Group,
2003. power point, open office
- Alfons Geser. A
Fault-Tolerant Diagnosis Protocol.
Talk at NASA Langley ATB,
- Alfons Geser. SPIDER--An
Ultra-Reliable Communication Architecture. Informal Presentation at NIA,
- *Alfons Geser and Paul Miner. A New
Diagnosis Protocol for the SPIDER Family of Byzantine Fault Tolerant
NASA TM-212432, December 2004. pdf
- Alfons Geser, Paul Miner. A Formal
Correctness Proof of the SPIDER Diagnosis Protocol.. Theorem-Proving
in Higher-Order Logics (TPHOLs), track B, 2002.
- Alfons Geser. Dependability
in the Presence of Diagnosed Faults. NASA
Langley ATB, March 2002.
- Alfons Geser. Dependable
Distributed Defect Diagnosis or Formal Verification of a Fault-Tolerant
Diagnosis Protocol.
NASA Langley ATB, May
- Alfons Geser. A Formal
Correctness Proof of the SPIDER Diagnosis Protocol. TPHOLs, track B,
- Alfons Geser. Formal
Verification of the SPIDER Diagnosis Protocol in PVS. NASA Langley ATB
Internal Formal Methods Workshop, 2001.
- Alfons Geser. SPIDER -- Formally
Verified Fault Tolerance.
ICASE Science Council Meeting,
- Paul S. Miner. Verification
of Fault-Tolerant Clock Synchronization Systems. NASA TP-3349, November, 1993.
Other Topics
- Beth Latronico. Reliability
Validation of Group
Membership Services for X-by-Wire Protocols. Ph.D dissertation,
Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, 2005. pdf
- Elizabeth Latronico, Paul Miner, and Philip Koopman.
Quantifying the Reliability of Proven SPIDER Group Membership Service
Guarantees. Dependable Systems
Networks (DSN), 2004. pdf
- Elwin C. Ong. From
Anonymity to
Ubiquity: A Study of Our Increasing Reliance on Fault Tolerant
2003. pdf
- Jeffrey M. Maddalon, Paul S. Miner. An Architectural
Concept for Intrusion
Tolerance in Air Traffic Networks. Integrated
Navigation and Surveilence (ICNS), Annapolis, Maryland, 2003.
talk pdf
- K. Driscoll, B. Hall, H. Sivencrona, P. Zumsteg.
Fault Tolerance, From Theory to Reality. Proc.
22nd International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and
Security (SAFECOMP03), pp.235-248, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK,
2003. pdf
- *John Rushby. Bus
Architectures For Safety-Critical
Embedded Systems.
In Edited by Tom Henzinger and Christoph Kirsch: EMSOFT 2001:
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Embedded Software, pp.
Springer-Verlag. pdf
Note: The tag
identifies links that are outside of the NASA domain.