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Ricky W. Butler

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Ricky W. Butler is a senior research engineer at the NASA Langley Research Center. He has led the formal methods program at Langley since 1989. The major goals of the Langley formal methods program are to advance the state of the art in formal methods, make it practical for use on high integrity systems, and to orchestrate the transfer of this technology to U.S. industry through carefully designed demonstration projects. The formal methods team consists of seven NASA civil servants and three researchers at the new National Institute of Aerospace near Langley. The formal methods team currently supports six NASA programs: Aviation Safety Program (AvSP), Aerospace Vehicles Technology Program (AVST), Advanced Air Transportation Technologies (AATT), Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS), the Computing, Information and Communications Technology Program (CICT), and the Engineering For Complex Systems (ECS) Program. Mr. Butler won the 1991 and 1996 H.J.E. Reid Awards (Langley's best research paper award). He received NASA's Exceptional Achievement Medal in 1997. His research interests include formal methods, fault-tolerance, and reliability analysis.



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Curator and Responsible NASA Official: Ricky W. Butler
last modified: 6 June 2003 (09:02:56)