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  • Lauren M. White

    Dr. Lauren M. White works in the Formal Methods Research team, a part of NASA Langley's Safety-Critical Avionics Systems Branch, developing formal methods tools to aid in the formal verification process of safety-critical avionics systems of interest to NASA. Her research interests include the application of mathematical concepts and formal logic in solving real-world problems. In her work with NASA, Dr. White has contributed to the NASA library for the interactive theorem prover the Prototype Verification System (PVS). This work includes the embedding of differential dynamic logic in PVS, called Plaidypvs.

    Dr. White also serves as a team lead in the Convergent Aeronautics Solutions (CAS) project as part of their Discovery effort. The goal of the CAS project is to explore seemly improbable ideas that might lead to solutions to the problems that plague aviation and impact safety, environmental and community impact, and the global growth in air traffic. Dr. White and her Discovery team were tasked to rapidly assess the feasibility of concepts that utilized NASA capabilities to address the unique challenges faced by rural America.

    Dr. White received her PhD in mathematics from Kansas State University as a student of Anna Zemlyanova studying nanoscale contact mechanics.


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    Safety Critical Avionics Systems Branch
    NASA Langley Research Center
    Mail Stop 234
    Hampton, VA 23681-2199, USA
    Fax: +1 (757) 864 4234