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IRIA 2003 is co-sponsored by NASA Langley Research Center and the
University of Virginia.
General Chair: Michael Holloway, NASA Langley Research Center
Program Chair: Barry Strauch, National Transportation Safety Board
Program Committee
S. Bogner, Inst. for Study of Medical Error
D. Brown, U. Virginia
D. Busse, Microsoft
E. Byrne, NTSB
F. Chandler, NASA
J. Davies, U. Calgary
K. Hanks, U. Virginia
M. Holloway, NASA
C. Johnson, U. Glasgow
J. Knight, U. Virginia
P. Ladkin, U. Bielfeld
N. Leveson, M.I.T.
R. Mumaw, Boeing
K. Mahoney, T. J. Nat. Acc. Facility
M. O'Leary, Humanautics
T. Panontin, NASA
J. Stoop, Tech. Univ. of Delft
B. Strauch, NTSB
T. van der Schaaf, T. U. Eindhoven