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  • PRECiSA and ReFlow

    PRECiSA (Program Round-off Error Certifier via Static Analysis) is a fully automatic analyzer for the estimation of round-off errors of floating-point valued functional expressions. This research tool computes an over-approximation of the round-off error of a given floating-point expression and also generates a formal certificate that ensures the correctness of the computed estimation. This certificate relies on a formalization of floating-point arithmetic developed in the Prototype Verification System (PVS)[*].

    ReFlow is a fully automatic floating-point code extractor. Given a PVS real-valued program and the target floating-point precision (single or double), ReFlow generates the corresponding floating-point C implementation. The generated C code is annotated with ACSL (ANSI/ISO C Specification Language ) contracts that relate the floating-point implementation with the real-valued program specification. ReFlow relies on the static analyzer PRECiSA to compute sound round-off error estimations and the corresponding PVS proof certificate that guarantee their correctness.

    PRECiSA[*] and ReFlow[*] are publicly available under NASA's Open Source Agreement from GitHub[*].


    The tag [*] identifies links that are outside the NASA domain