Kodiak is a software library that integrates numeric
and symbolic computation into a generic framework for the
solution of numerical, possibly non-linear, problems over hyper-rectangular variable and
parameter domains. At the basis of Kodiak there is a formally verified
branch and bound algorithm and self-validating enclosure methods based
on interval arithmetic and, for polynomials and
rational functions, Bernstein expansions. Kodiak provides tools for
paving a system of constraints, for solving
constrained global optimization problems, and for
computing the equilibria and bifurcation sets for
systems of ordinary differential equations.
Kodiak is available under NASA's Open Source Agreement from GitHub
- Andrew Smith, César Muñoz, Anthony Narkawicz, and
Mantas Markevicius,
Rigorous Generic Branch and Bound Solver for Nonlinear
Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Symbolic and
Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, IEEE Computer Society
Conference Publishing Services, 2015. BibTeX Reference.
- Andrew Smith, César Muñoz, Anthony Narkawicz, and
Mantas Markevicius,
Kodiak: An Implementation Framework for Branch and Bound Algorithms,
Technical Memorandum, NASA/TM-2015-218776,
July 2015. BibTeX Reference.
- Andrew Smith, Luis Crespo, César Muñoz, and Mark Lowenberg,
Bifurcation Analysis Using Rigorous Branch and Bound Methods,
IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2014), October 2014. BibTeX Reference.
- Anthony Narkawicz and César Muñoz,
A Formally Verified Generic Branching Algorithm for Global
Optimization, Proceedings of the Fifth Working Conference on
Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments (VSTTE 2013),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8164, pp. 326-343, 2014
. BibTeX Reference.
- Luis Crespo, César Muñoz, Anthony Narkawicz, Sean Kenny, and Daniel Giesy,
Uncertainty Analysis via Failure Domain Characterization: Polynomial Requirement Functions,
European Safety and Reliability Conference, September 2011. BibTeX Reference.
*The Kodiak logo was designed by Mahyar Malekpour (NASA).
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