Reliability Analysis
Several reliability analysis tools were developed by NASA Langley in the
(Hybrid Automated Reliability
Predictor, HARP, Integrated Reliability): a reliability/availability
assessment tool that uses a solution technique called behavioral
decomposition developed in the earlier
and CARE III programs.
SURE (Semi-markov Unreliability Range Evaluator): a reliability
analysis program used for calculating upper and lower bounds on system
probability of failure. The program is especially suited for the
analysis of fault-tolerant reconfigurable systems.
ASSIST (Abstract Semi-Markov Specification Interface to the SURE
Tool) uses a rule-oriented language to automatically generate
input files for the SURE program.
(Pade Approximation With Scaling) and
(Scaled Taylor Exponential Matrix): automatic Markov model solvers. These
programs use the exact same input language as the SURE program and
computes the death state probabilities under the assumption that the
recovery distributions are exponential.
Curator and Responsible NASA Official: Raymond S. Calloway
Last modified: 6 April 2001 (11:36:55)