Victor A. Carreņo's Work Biography

Victor started working at NASA Langley Research Center in July 1979 in the Aircraft Electronics System Branch, Flight Electronics Division. Primary responsibilities included the development of a data acquisition system for general aviation aircraft. The U.S. patent office awarded a patent to Victor Carreņo for the resulting single-frequency, multi-transmitter, single receiver, asynchronous data acquisition system.

Became part of the digital system upset assessment team, in the Fault Tolerant Systems Branch, in April 1983. This work involved the development of techniques for analytically assessing digital system upset due to lightning-induced transients. A mixed mode simulation capability was developed to be able to characterize the interaction between induced transients and digital circuits. Several test units were evaluated using this simulation method including a dual redundant full authority aircraft Electronic Engine Controller.

As part of the System Validation Methods Branch, worked in the instrumentation of the F106 lightning research aircraft, including the development of algorithms for field mill electrostatic sensor calibration. Designed and conducted experiments for the real-time evaluation of the Viper single board computer.

Joined the formal methods team, Assessment Technology Branch, in 1990. The formal methods team aims to develop mathematical techniques for the verification of critical systems. These techniques include verification by proof (theorem proving) and verification by exhaustive search (model checking). Present work involves the verification of air traffic management concepts and the development of mathematical infrastructure to support such verifications.

Victor graduated from Margarita Janer Palacios High School in Guaynabo in 1974. He received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico in 1979, an M.E. in Electrical Engineering from Old Dominion University, USA, in 1985 and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge, England in 1997.

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Curator: Victor A. Carreno ()

last modified: August 2006