; ; Step by step example with comments ; show ""; show "*** First, we declare variables x and y in the intervals [-5,5], [0,1], respectively:"; var x in [-5,5]; var y in [0,1]; show ""; show "*** Then, we define a polynomial P:"; poly P = 4*x^2 - (21/10)*x^4 + (1/3)*x^6 + x*y - 4*y^2 + 4*y^4; show ""; show "*** Now, we check a property on all elements of the range:"; check all P >= -1.1; show ""; show "*** Now, we check a property on some elements of the range:"; check some P <= -1; show ""; show "*** We set a small precision for min/max:"; set precision = 0.0001; show ""; show "*** We also set the display format to rational numbers:"; set format=rational; show ""; show "*** Now, we compute min and max of P within the given precision:"; minmax P; show ""; show "*** Finally, we define a region R:"; region R = P >= 0 and P <= 1; show ""; show "*** We set a precision for paving R with boxes:"; set precision = 0.1; show ""; show "*** and we pave R (this step may take a few minutes):"; boxes R; exit;