FM Past Program: TableWise Project

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Under NASA funding, Odyssey Research Associates worked with Honeywell Air Transport Systems Division (Phoenix) to study the incorporation of formal methods into the company's software development processes. In particular, ORA developed a prototype tool, called TableWise, to analyze the characteristics of decision tables.

TableWise uses a generalization of Binary Decision Diagrams to determine if a particular table is exclusive (for every combination of parameter values, at most one action can be chosen) and exhaustive (for every combination of parameter values, at least one action can be chosen). The tool is also capable of automatically generating documentation and Ada code from a decision table.

References (These may be ordered)

  1. Hoover, D. N; Guaspari, David; Humenn, Polar: Applications of Formal Methods to Specification and Safety of Avionics Software. NASA Contractor Report 4723, April 1996.

  2. Sherry, Lance; and Hoover, D.N: Honeywell Software Development Project, Slides presented at the Third NASA Langley Formal Methods Workshop, May 10-12, 1995.

  3. Hoover, D. N.; and Chen, Zewei: TBell: A Mathematical Tool for Analyzing Decision Tables. NASA Contractor Report 195027, November 1994.

Curator and Responsible NASA Official: C. Michael Holloway
last modified: 30 May 1998 (06:31:11)